Gourmet Visual is no longer together.

Hello to our 744 followers,
As you may or may not have noticed by this point, Gourmet Visual has been disbanded. This happened a long time ago. There's a post at the very top of the Heartbaked page talking about this, but I noticed that the page is still getting many followers and I wished to address this again. We won't be getting back together as a whole, but if you liked Heartbaked then you can always go over to Fablesoft Studios.

Fablesoft Studios can be found here (link will open in a new tab). Fablesoft is comprised of two of the three members of Gourmet Visual - Averxy and Minyan - and the third member is no longer creating visual novel related things.

Due to this, Heartbaked is no longer supported. We check back every now and then to see the comments but if there are bugs they will not be fixed. We check back once every few months to see comments, and we will reply to the odd few, but since there was another person involved in making the game we don't feel comfortable changing this. I'm very sorry about that.

I hope you go over to Fablesoft Studios to see our newer, bigger, and better games. I promise you, they're much more polished. Thank you for all of your support!

If you would like to continue to support us in our ventures outside of Gourmet Visual:

We're currently doing a Kickstarter for our newest project, Twisted. If you're interested in dark fairytale visual novels, please check it out! Thanks again guys!

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